Guides & TutorialsTroubleshootingCommon ErrorsTroubleshooting an InvalidArgumentException: Query string must not include a URI fragment Error

Troubleshooting an InvalidArgumentException: Query string must not include a URI fragment Error


You have enabled the Log Errors setting and see a InvalidArgumentException error in the system Activity Log:

InvalidArgumentException: Query string must not include a URI fragment  in  /path/to/whmcs/vendor/zendframework/zend-diactoros/src/Uri.php:386


A bot is crawling your website and trying to access an invalid URL.


You do not need to take any corrective action: the system is correctly producing an error when the bot attempts to visit the invalid URL.

Deactivate the Log Errors setting to stop logging this error.

Only enable Log Errors when you are actively troubleshooting an error. For more information, see Error Management.