Guides & TutorialsTroubleshootingEmail TroubleshootingURL may not contain a query string with Microsoft

URL may not contain a query string with Microsoft


When configuring Microsoft® as your mail provider or for email importing, a URL may not contain a query string error message displays on the App registration page in the Azure® portal.

Failed to Create $app_name application. Error detail URL may not contain a query string.


Microsoft Azure apps do not support the redirect URI format in WHMCS if you have set Friendly URLs to Basic URLs.


Before you can use Microsoft email services, you must also:

1. Go to Configuration > System Settings > General Settings and select the General tab.

2. Set Friendly URLs to Full Friendly Rewrite or Friendly index.php.

Friendly URL setting

3. Click Save Changes.

4. Select the Mail tab.

5. Click Configure Mail Provider.

6. Click the Copy icon next to Redirect URL. This will copy the URL to your clipboard.

7. Paste the URL into Redirect URI in the Azure portal.

8. Complete your setup process. For more information, see Setting Up Microsoft As Your Mail Service Provider and Setting Up Importing via Microsoft.