Creating Your First Shared Hosting Product
To sell something using WHMCS, you need to configure a product.
Shared Hosting products provision shared hosting accounts using the control panel module you select.
You will need to create a product group before creating your first product. For steps to do this, see How to Set Up Your First Product Group.
Use the steps below to create your first shared hosting product, or watch the video below:
Create a Shared Hosting Product
To create a shared hosting product:
1. Go to Configuration > System Settings > Products/Services (Setup > Products/Services > Products/Services in WHMCS 7.10 and earlier).
2. Click Create a New Product.

3. Choose Shared Hosting for Product Type.
4. Choose the desired product group.
5. Enter a name for the product.

6. If you have already set up the server or know the module you want to use, select it for Module.
7. Click Continue. A new page will appear.
8. In the Details tab, set the Product Description.

9. Check Require Domain. This is required for creating a hosting product.
10. Select a Welcome Email to send when provisioning the product.
WHMCS comes with several pre-made welcome email templates that you can customize at Configuration > System Settings > Email Templates (Setup > Email Templates in WHMCS 7.10 and earlier).
11. In the Pricing tab, set the desired pricing options for the product.
To do this, select Recurring as the Payment Type, and then specify the desired monthly prices. You can also enter a Setup Fee.
For this example, the product will only be available on a monthly basis.

You can set up as many pricing options as you wish during this step.
12. In the Module Settings tab, choose the module and fill out the remaining product information.
In this example, cPanel is preselected because it was chosen in an earlier step.
13. For cPanel products, select a package from WHM Package Name.
The WHM Package Name menu populates after you select the module. The package list comes from WHM on your server, and WHMCS only reads them.
14. Select the automatic setup behavior at the bottom of the tab.

15. Click Save Changes.