Configuring WHMCS to Use SMTP in WHMCS 7
WHMCS comes with the ability to send email without any additional configuration using the PHP mail() function. However, the best method to reliably send mail uses SMTP.
To configure SMTP in WHMCS 8+, see Configuring WHMCS to Use SMTP for WHMCS 8+.
Configure SMTP
To configure SMTP:
1. Go to the Mail tab at Setup > General Settings.

2. For Mail Type, choose SMTP.
3. Configure the displayed SMTP settings.
Make certain that you enter SMTP Port and SMTP SSL Type correctly. Incorrect settings can prevent WHMCS from sending mail.

4. Click Save Changes.
Creating a SMTP Account in cPanel to use for Mailing
To create an SMTP email account using the cPanel control panel:
1. Log in to your cPanel account.
2. Go to Email >> Email Accounts

3. Enter the required information to create a new email account.

4. Click Create Account.
5. Find the new address in the list of email accounts and click Setup Mail Client.

6. Copy the information under Mail Client Manual Settings. You will use these details to configure the SMTP email account in WHMCS.
We recommend using the Secure SSL/TLS Settings.