Activating Two-Factor Authentication

Two-Factor Authentication adds a layer of security by adding a second step to the login process. WHMCS includes three Two-Factor Authentication services that you can choose.

For more information, see Two-Factor Authentication.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

To enable Two-Factor Authentication for a WHMCS installation:

1. In the WHMCS Admin Area, go to Configuration > System Settings > Two-Factor Authentication or, prior to WHMCS 8.0, Setup > Staff Management > Two-Factor Authentication.

2.  Click Activate for the desired service.

Activate Two-Factor Authentication

3. Select whether to enable Two-Factor Authentication for clients and for admins:

Enable for Clients or Admins

DuoSecurity and YubiKey require additional configuration. For more information, see DuoSecurity.

5. Click Save.

Repeat these steps for each service that you would like to enable.