Verify That Your System Cron is Being Invoked
Verify that the System Cron is being called
To ensure that the daily automation tasks are operating correctly, you must ensure that your server is invoking the WHMCS System Cron.
Version 8.0 and later
To do this in WHMCS 8.0 and later:
- Log in to the WHMCS Admin Area.
- Click the gear icon in the top-right corner to navigate to Automation Status.
- Check for one of the status messages below.

Cron Status Ok
If you see the message below in green, the system cron has been invoked within the last 120 minutes and the daily tasks successfully ran within the last 24 hours. Everything is operating normally.
Click on the badge to see the full report details.

Cron Status Warning
If you see the message below in yellow, the system cron ran in the past but has not been invoked within the last 120 minutes.
Click on the message to see the full report details, which will include the cause of the warning.
For more information, see Resolving a Cron Invocation Frequency Warning.

Cron Status Error
If you see the message below in red, this indicates one of the following problems:
- The system cron has never been invoked.
- The daily automation tasks have not successfully run in the past 24 hours.
Click on the message to see the full report details, which will include the cause of the error.
This indicates that your server is not invoking the cron file. Check your cron task setup in your hosting control panel. For more information, see Resolving a Daily Cron Run Warning.

- Login to your WHMCS Admin Area
- Navigate to Setup > Automation Settings which will show one of the following 3 statuses:
Cron Status Ok
If you see a green message as follows, this indicates the System Cron has been invoked within the last 24 hours and everything is operating normally.
The last time the cron is invoked will also be displayed.

Cron Status Error
If you see a red status like the one below, this indicates the cron has run previously but that it has not run within the past 24 hours.
This indicates that the cron file is no longer being invoked by your web server and you need to check your cron task setup inside your web hosting control panel. For more information, see Resolving a Cron Invocation Frequency Warning.

No Cron Records
This indicates that the WHMCS System Cron has never run.
This is normal for new installations, but for an existing install, seeing this message indicates the cron has never run successfully yet.
Refer to the Cron Setup guide for details of how to set it up.

In WHMCS 8.0 and above, click the warning or error messages to view the full Cron Status report.
Click Learn More next to the failing item to find details to resolve the detected issue:
Wait 5 minutes for the resolution to take effect. Then, click Refresh at the bottom of the report to check the cron status.
If there are still failing items, see Troubleshooting the Cron Not Completing.