Guides & Tutorials8.7 UpdateWHMCS 8.7Errors Activating 360 Monitoring in MarketConnect

Errors Activating 360 Monitoring in MarketConnect


After updating to WHMCS 8.7.0, the following message displays when you attempt to activate 360 Monitoring at Configuration > System Settings > MarketConnect:

Uh oh!
Thank you for your interest in 360 Monitoring, we are excited too!  We are making the final preparations now. 
Please come back shortly to Activate.
Thank you for your interest in 360 Monitoring, we are excited too!  We are making the final preparations now. Please come back shortly to Activate.


In WHMCS 8.7, you will see the new 360 Monitoring service in WHMCS MarketConnect, but we have not yet enabled activation and sales.


We will enable sales through 360 Monitoring in the coming weeks. Until then, you can view all of the details at Configuration > System Settings > MarketConnect

A further software update will not be necessary after 360 Monitoring becomes available.

For more information about 360 Monitoring, see 360 Monitoring via WHMCS MarketConnect.