Troubleshooting an Ioncube Loader error for PHP 5.6, 7.0 or 7.1


After applying the WHMCS v8.0 update you may encounter an error message that looks like this:


The file /path/to/file.php cannot be run by the ionCube Loader.
Please ask the script provider to supply an encoded file that can run on your version of PHP, 5.6.
Click to copy


This indicates that the version of PHP in use is too old to execute WHMCS.

The system requirements for WHMCS v8.0 require a PHP version of 7.2 or above.


Please contact your server admin/hosting provider for assistance updating the version of PHP in use to meet the system requirements for WHMCS v8.0.

Please also use this opportunity to ensure your server environment meets all the recommended requirements for running WHMCS: